A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Simon Taylor, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain RC), Jeremy Griffiths,Andrew Bray, Marcus Hearle, Henry Eve and Rachael Davies
Apologies: -Laura Baskeyfield, Paul Flint, Simon Richards, Jason Holder and Martin Lewis (Membership Secretary MC).
B) Approval of Previous Minutes
C) Review Matters Arising & Actions
i) Club Casual Wear (Hoodies & T Shirts: Jeremy is arranging for a sample.
ii) Go Ride: Simon to link up with Martin Lewis (MC) re site next to Toddenham Road
iii) Constitution: Simon to recirculate in readiness for AGM.
iv) Ride Leader Course: next one will be on the 13th July, fully booked
v) Ride Lead Sheets: Martin (RC) asked that ride leaders fill in as far in advance as they
can, so he doesn’t have to keep scrabbling around on a Friday
D) TreasurersReport
The bank balance is £6742 but we are about to lay out £1200 on Club Kit which will be held in the shop available for purchase by any member of the club
E) Ride Captain’s Report
We are getting good numbers on rides.
Martin asked that one club member per class of ride take responsibility for ensuring each category of ride has a ride leader (and where needed a planned route).
It was proposed as follows: –
• Group 1 – Martin Lewis (RC)
• Group 2 – Marcus Hearle
• Group 3 – Stewart Watson
• Group 4 – Simon Jones
• Wednesday Café Ride – Ian Humphrey
• Saturday Café Ride – Jan Thompson
• Saturday 10:30 20-mile ride – Csaba Kalo
• Female Ride – Laura Baskeyfield
• Thursday Gravel Ride – Marcus Hearle
• Paceline – Ian Humphrey
• Chain Gang – Will Biggert
On the last Saturday in the month, starting in July, the 10:30 ride will start at 10:00 and include a coffee stop. First ride in July to be led by Simon Jones. (NB Paul Flint, can you advertise the ride and especially the earlier start please?).
Mudguard Rule
All riders shall fit a rear mudguard whilst riding on club rides during winter, late Autumn and early Spring.
The mudguard rule will generally come into force at the end of British Summer Time (BST), in late October and again look to be removed when BST begins at the end of March each year.
The Committee shall inform club members in advance of when the rule commences and ends dependant on the prevailing weather and road conditions at the time.
The Committee will enforce the mudguard rule during the period the rule is in place. Any rider not having a suitable rear mudguard will not be permitted to join club rides.
A rear mudguard must be of sufficient length, at least finishing level with the rear axle so that water spray is not directed onto the following rider. Riders are also recommended to use a front mudguard for added protection.
F) RaceSecretary’sReport
In Jasons absence Henry volunteered to put together a list of local races that members might like to either enter or go and observe.
Membership Secretary’s Report
Latest info from BC membership.
Total number of members 194
• Male 135 – 69.59%
• Female 48 – 24.74%
• Unspecified 11 – 5.67%
G) Social Secretary’s Report.
As well as the Bastille Day Barbeque on the 14th July there will be the Picnic Ride on the 1st September.
Marcus to plan new routes and start times.
H) FutureEvents
Isobel Hunter is considering developing historic rides visiting a place of historic interest each time.
I) Any Other Business
Stewart described his recent TV premier filming as part of “Escape to the Country” to be screen in a few months’ time. He was interviewed in club kit, in Stow, extolling the virtues of the north Cotswolds as a cycling venue.
Use of the Shop toilet facilities:
Jeremy requested that riders do not presume that they can use the café/shops toilet when the café/shop itself is not open. Martin will add a note to the weekly ride instruction.
There was a general discussion, not minuted, regrading to fabulous relationship the club has with the shop and the café.
J) Next meeting
9th September at 7:00 at Cotswold Cycles Shop & Cafe