Minutes from Committee Meeting 6th January 2025

Minutes from Committee Meeting 6th January 2025

A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Jeremy Griffiths, Simon Taylor, Simon Jones, Henry Eve, Rachel Davies, Marcus Hearle,
Martin Lewis (Ride Captain), James Garstin, Laura Baskeyfield, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain), James
Barlow, Andrew Bray
Apologies: Simon Richards, Martin Lewis (Membership), Paul Flint, Will Biggart
B) Chairman – Jeremy Griffiths
1. 2. Club Dinner will be arranged for 8th February, at the Revolution Café. Kallo will support with
the catering. Tickets will be available by the FIXR app for all payments to be paid directly for
the club. Tickets will be charged at £15 each, to include food and a drink. Henry Eve will
support with a link for tickets to be purchased. Henry will also create a survey monkey for
members to nominate for the awards, which will be decided by a sub-committee. Current
trophy’s to be returned.
Karen Croxson, NCCC member has offered to provide first aid awareness training with CPR
and Defib use free of charge. This won’t be an official qualification, but can be offered to
our members. Jeremy Griffiths will approach Karen, who is covered to teach awareness in
her current role with South Western Ambulance.
Official first aid training is required to support those with an RL1 qualification. Laura
Baskeyfield will enquire on expiry date of the last first aid course (usually 3 years) and cost to
host this with Cotswold First Aid.
3. 4. The club has been approached by Andrew Campbell (club member)r with regards to a space
for Go-Ride. Possibly have a solution at Condicote Village Hall, which has access to parking /
toilets / car-park. The local roads are quiet, and could be policed by volunteers. Jez to share
the details with James Garstin (youth chair) to follow-up.
Ladies Couch to 50K series started on Saturday. Conditions were cold, with club rides
cancelled due to ice. 10 people turned up, 8 of whom were new to the club. There was a
good buzz within the club before and after. Plenty of female volunteers have come forward
to support with these rides over the course of the coming series.
C) Vice Chairman – Simon Jones
Frequently chasing qualified ride leaders to lead club rides, despite running two courses. Will
approach general club members and specifically group 4 riders directly who aren’t RL1 trained to
lead. Simon Jones has offered to provide some general ride leader training to club members at 9:30-
10:30 on Saturday 25th January. This will be advertised in the What’s App group
D) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis
Ride leaders already discussed. Weather not been great, but not surprising given time of year.
Struggling to find routes on gritted road for inclement weather, but will venture further afield.
Decision taken to cancel rides if a yellow weather warning is issued.
E) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis
Club Membership is now up for renewal. Club membership currently stands at 227 members.
Breakdown = 66.5% Male / 23.8% Female / 9.7% Unspecified.
F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle
Club Balance = £6,228
Andrea Charlton has approached with regards to the youth initiative fund for Katie Charlton. The
committee agreed to support this on the basis that we would open this to suggestions for other
riders at the clubs annual dinner.
G) 1. 2. Youth Secretary – James Garstin
Sibford school has been contacted with a view to hosting Go-Ride. Kitebrook school and
Batsford (Laura to share estate details) to be contacted as potential venues. James will
create a plan for delivering Go-Ride and in-between Go-Ride and club rides and what this
experience should look like for the next committee meeting. Part of this to include a plan
for offering subsidized racing costs for younger rides as a next step from Go-Ride. Andrew
Bray offered to support, based on his past involvement with this initiative and shared the
accreditation and previous files with James.
Issue raised with the Saturday off-road ride on a local bridleway which caused upset with a
local farmer. James to share the farmers details with Jez, for him to contact on behalf of the
club to let him know this issue has been raised and our members contacted.
H) Secretary – Laura Baskeyfield
1. 2. Agreed that the club kit window for ordering will be opened end of February, to allow
people to order kit for Spring. Simon Jones will action this.
Given the new members coming through the Couch to 50K series, a bike maintenance
evening would be useful to skill up new riders. This will be done through Cotswold Cycles
and Jez will organize. This will be free of charge for members.
3. As a follow-on from the Couch to 50K, will look to organize a 50K to Sportive series to
encourage riders to continue with the club. Laura to find a local sportive that would be
suitable for this to work towards.
I) Race Secretary (Henry Eve)
Henry has created a document to detail “how to get into racing”. This will be shared in the club
WhatsApp’s announcement group with a view to offer support for anyone that is interested.
J) General Committee
James Barlow
Raised concerns with group riding – such as carrying spares, calling out, passing messages etc.
Martin Lewis will capture group riding etiquette in an a ride leader email to all club members.
• Reliability Ride agreed for Sunday 23rd March
• Martin Lewis suggested that we provide “rewards” for ride leaders as an initiative to entice
people to lead rides. This was popular amongst the committee and will be implemented this
weekend. Jez agreed that this would be funded by the cafe on a trial basis initially. The
committee will review at the next meeting to discuss if the club should fund this rather than
the café.
Next Meeting = Monday 3rd March 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles