Category: <span>NCCC News</span>

STORM DARRAGH results in Saturday rides cancelled ”

Please note that all NCCC scheduled rides for tomorrow are cancelled. This also includes the monthly Ladies Only Ride.

The club will monitor the weather for Sunday and update accordingly but unfortunately tomorrow is a wipe out for us .

Find us on all of the following links:





Minutes from the club AGM 24th November 2024

1. Welcome and Introductions – Jeremy Griffiths
2. Apologies for Absence
Simon Jones, Graham Franklin, Heather Salter.
3. Approved.
Approval of Previous AGM Minutes
4. Chairmans Report
Given by Jeremy Griffiths in Simon Jones’ absence.
5. Ride Captain Report
Seeing a good turnout for rides, with lots of members now wearing the club kit. Huge variety
of rides are on offer, during the summer season, Monday is the only day that there is no club
ride going out. The ride captain acknowledged all the ride leaders and ride organisers, but
noted the work done by Ian Humpries with regards to planning of new routes for the route
6. See appendix.
Treasurers Report – Marcus Hearle
7. Membership Report
Membership is at an all-time high, with 218 members. The increase in female membership
numbers was acknowledged: NCCC year on year growth as follows:

Total Members         Total Women Members
2023      190                  38 (20%)
2024      218                  63 (28%)

Paul flint is actively engaging with British Cycling South with regards to membership
initiatives. They have also given access to their Facebook page for postings that increase
8. Election of Officers:
It was noted that some new faces to the committee would be good, as this brings new ideas and initiatives.
Committee Role Name
Chairman Jeremy Griffiths
Vice Chair Simon Jones
Club Secretary Laura Baskeyfield
Treasurer Marcus Hearle (noted this would be looking to step back in future)
Club Welfare Officer Simon Jones
Chair of Youth Initiative James Garstin (with support)
Race Secretary Henry Eve
Club Ride Captain Martin Lewis
Membership Secretary Marton Lewis
Publicity & Communications Officer Paul Flint
Social Secretary REMAINS OPEN
General Committee – 1 James Barlow
General Committee – 2 Simon Taylor
General Committee – 3 Andrew Bray
General Committee – 4 Rachel Davies
General Committee – 5 Simon Richards
General Committee – 6 Will Biggart
9. Formal Adoption of Clubs Constitution
Club constitution has previously been circulated.
10. AOB
• Club Away Days
• Training Camps
• Velodrome Trip
• Downhill Enduro Trail @ FOD with Katie Charlton
• Expectation on what the committee involves
11. Closing Remarks


1. Treasurer’s report for 2024
Cash in hand at the bank was £6,082 as of 29th October 2024. This is £694 less than last year,
which is in-line with financial plan of reducing the balance by up to £1000 if suitable investment
opportunities are identified.
The main income for the club was generated from membership £1887. This was £264 higher
than previous years due to increase membership numbers as the membership fee remained
The main areas of expenditure were as follows:
• Ride Leader training £1401
• Website hosting/maintenance £220
• Fees for British Cycling & CTT £141
• Grand tour Sunday £101
• Picnic ride £375
• Club kit stock sold)
£158 (this should be recovered when remaining 3 jerseys
• NCCC mudflaps £95 (this will be recovered once sold)
• Bank charges £60
There have been some savings this year in particular there hasn’t been a race team or young
rider sponsorship this year.
In addition, £1300 was raised for Midlands Air Ambulance from the raffle, Humphrey’s
Christmas coffee ride, Ritchie Reliability Ride and the bring and buy sale. We also donated
equipment and clothes to CFC from the bring and buy sale.
Future fees
The club balance has gradually reduced over the last 5 years, in line with the financial plan.
However, this is not sustainable indefinitely therefore expenditure and revenue will need to be
aligned. It is therefore proposed to raise the adult fees to £15.00 per annum.
This will be the first rise in fees in the Club’s history.

AGM Revised start time 10.00 am Sunday 24th November

AGM REVISED START TIME -10.00AM Sunday 24th November.

With the news that all this weekend’s rides are cancelled due to Storm Bert, please note that Sunday’s Club Annual General Meeting is still going ahead, but with a later start time of 10.00 AM at Cotswold Cycles.

Please come along, the AGM is for all members and we’d love to see as many of you there as possible.

Grab a drink and take part in shaping your club for the year ahead.

The Revolution café is of course open as normal on Saturday and Sunday and the crew would be delighted to see you.

As a British Cycling affiliated club, you can join us via our club page below.

Be great to see you!

“Proud supporters of Midlands Air Ambulance Charity and Cyclists Fighting Cancer ”

Find us on all of the following links below:







AGM Reminder Sunday 24th November

Just a reminder that it is our AGM meeting this Sunday morning, 24th November 2024 at 9.00am at the Revolution Café.

The meeting is for ALL MEMBERS and we encourage as many of you as possible to attend.

Shorter club rides will take place after the AGM and details will be sent in the normal way via email and WhatsApp.

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday.

Minutes of Committee Meeting from 4th November

Committee Meeting Minutes 4th November 2024

a) Present were Simon J (Acting Chair) , Marcus H, Simon T, Jeremy G, Martin L, Andrew B and Paul F.

Apologies received from Laura B, Henry E, and Rachael D

b) Previous meeting minutes were approved

c) Matters arising from previous meeting &actions:

1. NCCC Casual wear hoodie: Sourced by Jeremy and now available to buy in the shop price £45. Please order by the end of November

2. Club kit window opened and closed by Simon

3. Logo on website updated by Martin

d) Chairman / Vice-Chairman’s report: AGM arrangements:

1. 24th November at 9:00am pre the rides (Sign In sheet needed Simon J)

2. Committee nominations: we put the proposed names on the AGM agenda (which has been sent out to members via email and WhatsApp).

3. Jeremy G has agreed to stand for election as Club Chairman. There were no other nominees.

a) New Constitution to be formally adopted at the AGM (also circulated to all members via email and WhatsApp)

e) Treasurer’s report: Marcus H will propose at the AGM that the club subscription be raised from the current £10 to £15 for adults, the junior membership fee to remain at £5. This is the first time since the club was inaugurated that an increase in fees has been proposed, but will help ensure that the club has sufficient funds to maintain a healthy bank balance and to be able to fund training and events

f) Ride Captain’s Report: Martin L noted that 

1. Mudguards not needed yet, but members will be advised to fit them as soon as wet weather forecasted

2. Ride Leaders: its slightly disappointing to note that the newly trained Ride Leaders haven’t led more rides. Martin will note this on next weekends ride email and ask for all Ride leaders to look at the online Ride Leader diary and see if they can volunteer for some of the unfilled vacancies.

g) Digital & Social Media Officer’s Report: Paul F said he had been approached by British Cycling (BC) who wish to do a “Spotlight” feature on the club as our numbers are growing steadily and we have a strong female contingent. The committee welcomed this interest and will cooperate fully. We will also invite a representative of BC to our annual dinner and awards night in the new year.

h) Membership Secretary Report: We continue to grow in numbers and currently have 216 members of which 28% are female.

i) Any Other Business:

1. A representative of the Air Ambulance Charity, Nicole, will attend our Sunday after ride coffee session at the Rev café on the 1stDecember to encourage members to buy Air Ambulance Charity Christmas Cards.

2. Simon T is planning to have a series of longer rides in the new year starting with 80 miles in May building up to 15o miles in August!

3. Future Events: Club dinner and awards night probably in January 25 and a Cycle Jumble sale probably in March 25.

j) Date of next meeting: to be agreed at the AGM

New Club Hoodies

“We’re super excited about our new Club Hoodies ????”.

Great news everyone the club hoodies are now available to order.

There’s a sample in the Cotswold Cycles shop and the quality of them is good. They are unisex which is great especially with 28% ???? of our members now ladies.

Sizing and ordering available via shop £45 per top and great gifts for ???? too ????

Club Base Cotswold Cycles 3 Cotswold Link Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 0JU

Find us on any of the links below ????.






We’re making a difference!

“For everyone really but especially for our club members and especially the many new recently joined members, oh and btw we now have an amazing new ALL TIME HIGH number of 216 NCCC members in total and a massive 28% ARE WOMEN ????????!!

It’s nice to remind ourselves how fortunate we are as a cycling club to have all of the fabulous benefits below ????”

Great cycling shop (Cotswold Cycles) as our club base. Reassuringly always on hand for us offering their vast range of products, services and expertise to cater for all our cycling needs throughout the year! Very often at short notice too????????????‍♀️????‍♂️

Great super friendly cafe as our club base (The Revolution Cafe) spoiling us with hot & cold beverages and variety sweet or savoury delights making our very popular post-ride atmosphere even more special!????☕️????????‍♀️????‍♂️????

Great cycling club (North Cotswold Cycling Club). A friendly social club catering for all abilities all year round.

There’s not many cycling clubs that offer so much under one roof!

Visitors and new members always welcome at NCCC! ????

Team – North Cotswold Cycling Club ????

Team – Cotswold Cycles????

Team – The Revolution Cafe ????

“TWMD! ???? (Together we make a difference!)” We’re more like a community than a cycling club with these great facilities ! ????

“Proud supporters of Midlands Air Ambulance Charity and Cyclists Fighting Cancer ????????‍♂️????”

Find out more information about joining visit our website link below ????.Be great to see you!

Find us on the following links????:





Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 9th September 2024

A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Martin Lewis (Ride
Captain), Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Rachel Davies
Apologies: Jason Holder, Andrew Bray, Henry Eve, Simon Richards, Martin Lewis (Membership), Paul
B) Approval of Previous Minutes
C) Review Matters Arising & Actions
i) Pricing for NCCC Casual wear (hoody) confirmed at £30.00. JG also to arrange for a
sample for committee review and members to see before placing an order – still
ii) No progress with venue options for Go-Ride. ML (Membership) suggested site outside
Moreton, along Todenham road. Simon Jones to investigate this site. JG to pick up fire
service college site with William Paul, club member, to investigate if this is a viable
option for the club to pursue again.
iii) SJ has issued the club constitution to committee members with mudguard “rule”
included. Committee have agreed to the wording. This is now ready for distribution in
advance of the AGM.
iv) Ride Leader course on the 13th July all went well. Feedback from participants was very
v) Club ride leader spreadsheet in operation. This has marginally improved with the new
ride leaders. Ride owners of each group will be communicated to club members.
vi) Treasures report – included update on club kit outlay (~£1200). All caps have now sold,
only 4 tops remain. Most sales to club members.
vii) Local race list – still pending. HE to provide an update, for going into the next racing
viii) Picnic ride very successful. Riders arriving timed extremely well. However, did clash
with HONC and a couple of club members were lost to this other ride.
ix) SW to contact Isobel Hunter on historic rides. More notice required for club members in
order for them to participate
D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report
Chairman – Stewart Watson
i) Resignation of social secretary, Paul Fint, to general club committee member. Succession
plan to be agreed within the committee.
ii) Club Kit coordinator, Sam Davie, is no longer doing this role with BioRacer. New
contacts lead required. Process is for committee to agree when we open a window
(twice per year) and email BioRacer. JG to provide SJ with Russel’s details in order to
take on this role within the committee.
iii) Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 24th November
iv) BC Logo on NCCC website needs updating from HSBC branding. ML to contact Ian for
the logo to be updated on the clubs website.
v) Stewart Watson to resign as Chair, due to relocating up North in early October. SJ to
take over the position as chair in the interim period until AGM. SW will notify club
members via club WhatsApp group tomorrow (10/09/24).
Vice Chairman – Simon Jones
vi) SJ had received a mail from BC on ways to make the club more inclusive for people with
disabilities. SJ at attend the course in Swindon.
E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield
i) Monthly ladies rides are going well. ~15 people out turning out for the last one, with
50% wanting to ride the longer / faster option. Feedback from leaders, is riders are
more than capable for the Saturday café ride or Sunday group 3. Thanks to Isobel, Lisa,
Cath and Patricia for supporting with these rides.
ii) Will look to repeat the couch to 50K, starting in Jan 2025.
F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle
Club balance = £5,995
Picnic ride = £375
G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis
i) Rides have been busy and it’s been great to see club rides and the variety of rides so well
ii) ST to do a final grand day out in September. ML will link up with ST and advertise this on
iii) Gravel rides have now finished. Chain gang / pace line to continue with lights, at the
discretion of ride leaders.
iv) When rides are cancelled in the winter, the café will trial virtual rides on a turbo session
in the shop upstairs. Open this up for club members could come and do Zwift if they
wanted – 5+ bikes available.
v) Cancellation of rides due to weather will be agreed via club committee and
communicated by the Ride Captain.
H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder
I) Digital & Social Media Officer
J) Youth Development Officer
K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones
L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis
i) Current club membership stands at: 209 (157 are British Cycling Members)
68% Male / 25% Female / 7% unspecified
M) Social Secretary – Henry Eve
N) General Committee
JG – Parish council meeting at Oddington, raised issues with cyclists within the village. ML to remind
riders to be courteous during ride briefings and ensure riders don’t get left behind.
ML – Been flagged that a picnic ride group had been spotted riding 3 abreast.
O) Future Events & Initiatives
P) AOB & Date of Next Meeting
Next Meeting = Monday 4th November 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles

Minutes of NCCC Committee Meeting held 1st July 2024


A) Introductions & Apologies

Attendees: Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Simon Taylor, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain RC), Jeremy Griffiths,Andrew Bray, Marcus Hearle, Henry Eve and Rachael Davies

Apologies: -Laura Baskeyfield, Paul Flint, Simon Richards, Jason Holder and Martin Lewis (Membership Secretary MC).

B) Approval of Previous Minutes


C) Review Matters Arising & Actions

i) Club Casual Wear (Hoodies & T Shirts: Jeremy is arranging for a sample.

ii) Go Ride: Simon to link up with Martin Lewis (MC) re site next to Toddenham Road

iii) Constitution: Simon to recirculate in readiness for AGM.

iv) Ride Leader Course: next one will be on the 13th July, fully booked

v) Ride Lead Sheets: Martin (RC) asked that ride leaders fill in as far in advance as they

can, so he doesn’t have to keep scrabbling around on a Friday

D) TreasurersReport

The bank balance is £6742 but we are about to lay out £1200 on Club Kit which will be held in the shop available for purchase by any member of the club

E) Ride Captain’s Report

We are getting good numbers on rides.

Martin asked that one club member per class of ride take responsibility for ensuring each category of ride has a ride leader (and where needed a planned route).

       It was proposed as follows: –

• Group 1 – Martin Lewis (RC)

• Group 2 – Marcus Hearle

• Group 3 – Stewart Watson

• Group 4 – Simon Jones

• Wednesday Café Ride – Ian Humphrey

• Saturday Café Ride – Jan Thompson

• Saturday 10:30 20-mile ride – Csaba Kalo

• Female Ride – Laura Baskeyfield

• Thursday Gravel Ride – Marcus Hearle

• Paceline – Ian Humphrey

• Chain Gang – Will Biggert

On the last Saturday in the month, starting in July, the 10:30 ride will start at 10:00 and include a coffee stop. First ride in July to be led by Simon Jones. (NB Paul Flint, can you advertise the ride and especially the earlier start please?).

Mudguard Rule

All riders shall fit a rear mudguard whilst riding on club rides during winter, late Autumn and early Spring.

The mudguard rule will generally come into force at the end of British Summer Time (BST), in late October and again look to be removed when BST begins at the end of March each year.

The Committee shall inform club members in advance of when the rule commences and ends dependant on the prevailing weather and road conditions at the time.

The Committee will enforce the mudguard rule during the period the rule is in place. Any rider not having a suitable rear mudguard will not be permitted to join club rides.

A rear mudguard must be of sufficient length, at least finishing level with the rear axle so that water spray is not directed onto the following rider. Riders are also recommended to use a front mudguard for added protection.

F) RaceSecretary’sReport

In Jasons absence Henry volunteered to put together a list of local races that members might like to either enter or go and observe.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Latest info from BC membership.

Total number of members 194

• Male 135 – 69.59%

• Female 48 – 24.74%

• Unspecified 11 – 5.67%

G) Social Secretary’s Report.

As well as the Bastille Day Barbeque on the 14th July there will be the Picnic Ride on the 1st September.

Marcus to plan new routes and start times.

H) FutureEvents

Isobel Hunter is considering developing historic rides visiting a place of historic interest each time.

I) Any Other Business

Stewart described his recent TV premier filming as part of “Escape to the Country” to be screen in a few months’ time. He was interviewed in club kit, in Stow, extolling the virtues of the north Cotswolds as a cycling venue.

Use of the Shop toilet facilities:

Jeremy requested that riders do not presume that they can use the café/shops toilet when the café/shop itself is not open. Martin will add a note to the weekly ride instruction.

There was a general discussion, not minuted, regrading to fabulous relationship the club has with the shop and the café.

J) Next meeting

9th September at 7:00 at Cotswold Cycles Shop & Cafe